The long weight: "After many years of wrestling with the idea, I decided on lap band surgery. This is my journey.
From frustration to fear this was not an easy decision for me and now that the journey is underway, it is still not an easy decision. But it is my decision.
I began my research years ago but fear kept me from going any further than reading about my options. What would people say? Is it safe? Is it a cop out?"
I was at the doctor one day and she actually brought the subject up. We discussed options that day and she signed me up for an informational session where I could learn more and ask my millions of questions.
I did ask questions - Lots of them. and I went back to my dr and talked some more with her. Turns out she had been in my shoes. She knows how frustrating it is to lose 20 pounds only to regain 35 over and over. Being tired, feeling frustrated, battling her weight. She herself had weight loss surgery. (She had bypass) . I told her that was too extreme for me.
I have a family that I am the main income for and as the mom of 5, I was worried about complications. She agreed with me that of the options lap band seemed the most responsible choice for me. Turns out living at this weight is more risky than having lap band surgery.